Add alternative text into latex
x = list.files(getwd())[grep("skeleton.tex", list.files(getwd()))],
dir = getwd(),
rda_dir = getwd(),
alttext_csv_dir = getwd(),
compile = TRUE,
rename = NULL
.tex file containing report. Typically produced after initially rendering the skeleton made from create_template.
directory where the tex file is located that will be edited
folder where rda files containing alternative text is located
Directory for the csv file containing alternative text and captions generated when running stockplotr::exp_all_figs_tables
Indicate whether the document (X) should be rendered after these files are changed. Default TRUE.
Indicate a name for the new tex file produced from this function. There is no need to include ".tex" in the name. Defaults to current name and overwrites the current tex file.
This function was made to help add in alternative text to latex documents generated from quarto. Quarto does not currently contain a way to add alternative text to PDF documents, so this function was developed as a work around. The addition of alternative text needs to be found in either the rda files produced from stockplotr::exp_all_figs_tables or in the captions_alt_text.csv also produced from the same function. Users not using this format should create a csv file with columns containing "label" and "alt_text".
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
new_template = TRUE,
format = "pdf",
office = "NWFSC",
region = "U.S. West Coast",
species = "Dover sole",
spp_latin = "Microstomus pacificus",
year = 2010,
author = c("John Snow", "Danny Phantom", "Patrick Star"),
include_affiliation = TRUE,
convert_output = TRUE,
resdir = "C:/Users/Documents/Example_Files",
model_results = "Report.sso",
model = "SS3",
new_section = "an_additional_section",
section_location = "after-introduction",
rda_dir = getwd()
path <- getwd()
quarto::quarto_render(file.path(path, "report", "SAR_USWC_Dover_sole_skeleton.qmd"))
file.path(path, "report"),
x = "SAR_USWC_Dover_sole_skeleton.tex",
dir = getwd(),
alttext_csv_dir = getwd(),
rda_dir = path,
compile = TRUE,
rename = "SAR_Dover_sole_tagged"
} # }