How can I download the package?

Our README page provides a lot of basic directions to prepare you to successfully download the package. Please consult the page for downloading. In the case you are having troubles downloading, and receiving the following error:

Using GitHub PAT from the git credential store.
Initiating curl with CURL_SSL_BACKEND: openssl
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
  HTTP error 403.
  Resource protected by organization SAML enforcement. You must grant your OAuth token access to this organization.

Please download the package using this code:

install.packages("asar", repos = c("", ""))

Why am I getting the following error message when I try to render my template?:

compilation failed- error
LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.419 \end{CSLReferences}

The above error message is created due to a bug introduced in Quarto in the last year where the notation in 07_references.qmd creates an issue when there is no in-text reference in the text. To correct this, please add this sentence temporarily to any of the quarto files in the outlined document (only if you are using the default asar_references.bib file):

Here is an example of an in text citation (@methot_stock_2013).

How do I reference one of the quantities in the preamble in my text?

You can use the quantities in the preamble to make dynamic reports that can easily be changed within the text by changing the output file. To reference these quantities in your text please use the following notation:

`r Fend`

For more help with using quarto (and using it efficiently), please see our markdown guide to learn the in’s and out’s of writing a stock assessment report in quarto.

create_template isn’t working, what do I do?

This could mean a lot of things. Most of the time, when create_template is not working, it means you are missing a key argument to the function. Make sure to read the error message(s) clearly and check the ‘report’ folder where all of the file were created. If you have exhausted your options and double checked that you have all of the correct arguments, then please leave an issue.

What should I do if I have a species complex/multispecies assessment?

asar was not developed with the intention to use it for multiple species in one go. While in testing, users have simply combined the species using “and” in the species argument of create_template. The report can be written as desired after the fact. The beauty of asar is that it is still a template and highly customizable. User’s familiar with Quarto can make edits to the YAML, chunk options, and other important components controlling the production of the document. We highly discourage making changes to the formatting or adding large additions of sections to the document that stray too far from the intended “NOAA” formatting.

How can I edit my report’s alt text and captions?

Please refer to the accessibility vignette’s guide on editing alt text and captions.

My figure and table references aren’t in chronological order in the report. How do I fix this?

As far as we know, a fix isn’t possible with Quarto. The order of your figures and tables in their respective 08_tables.qmd and 09_figures.qmd docs will determine their numbers in the report. This might result in Table 2 being referenced before Table 1, for instance, in your report. You can try manually changing the order of the figure and table chunks in the 08_tables.qmd and 09_figures.qmd docs, but this isn’t a reproducible or permanent solution. If you know of a long-term solution, please let us know or submit a pull request!

I’m getting an error. How do I fix it?

When getting to know asar, you’ll probably encounter some errors. We highly recommend checking out our Issues page to see if someone else has already asked (and maybe solved!) your question. We’ve also included some errors we’ve encountered, and what they mean/ideas for solving them.

Error #1

`Error in`dplyr::mutate()`:
ℹ In argument:`across(...)`.
Caused by error in`across()`:
! Can't compute column`label`.
Caused by error in`stringr::str_replace_all()`:
! Can't recycle`string`(size 46) to match`replacement`(size 0).

Solution #1

You may have encountered this error when running create_template. Check your arguments for ref_line and ref_line_sb; they aren’t being found in the dataset. This error should disappear once these arguments are accurate.