Plot Recruitment
unit_label = "metric tons",
scale_amount = 1,
end_year = NULL,
n_projected_years = 10,
relative = FALSE,
make_rda = FALSE,
rda_dir = getwd()
A data frame returned from `asar::convert_output()`.
units for recruitment
A number describing how much to scale down the quantities shown on the y axis. For example, scale_amount = 100 would scale down a value from 500,000 –> 5,000. This scale will be reflected in the y axis label.
last year of assessment
Number of years spawning biomass is projected for. By default this number is set to 10
A logical value specifying if the resulting figures should be relative spawning biomass. The default is `FALSE`. `ref_line` indicates which reference point to use.
TRUE/FALSE; indicate whether to produce an .rda file containing a list with the figure/table, caption, and alternative text (if figure). If TRUE, the .rda will be exported to the folder indicated in the argument "rda_dir". Default is FALSE.
The location of the folder containing the generated .rda files ("rda_files") that will be created if the argument `make_rda` = TRUE. Default is the working directory.
Plot recruitment over time from an assessment model output file translated to a standardized output. There are options to return a ggplot2 object or export an rda object containing associated caption and alternative text for the figure.