Plot Total Biomass
A data frame returned from `asar::convert_output()`.
units for recruitment
A number describing how much to scale down the quantities shown on the y axis. For example, scale_amount = 100 would scale down a value from 500,000 –> 5,000. This scale will be reflected in the y axis label.
A string specifying the type of reference you want to compare biomass to. The default is `"target"`, which looks for `"biomass_target"` in the `"label"` column of `dat`. The actual searching in `dat` is case agnostic and will work with either upper- or lower-case letters but you must use one of the options specified in the default list to ensure that the label on the figure looks correct regardless of how it is specified in `dat`.
A known value of the reference point along with the label for the reference point as specified in the output file. Please use this option if the ref_line cannot find your desired point. Indicate the reference point in the form c("label" = value).
last year of assessment
A logical value specifying if the resulting figures should be relative spawning biomass. The default is `FALSE`. `ref_line` indicates which reference point to use.
TRUE/FALSE; indicate whether to produce an .rda file containing a list with the figure/table, caption, and alternative text (if figure). If TRUE, the .rda will be exported to the folder indicated in the argument "rda_dir". Default is FALSE.
The location of the folder containing the generated .rda files ("rda_files") that will be created if the argument `make_rda` = TRUE. Default is the working directory.
Plot total biomass from a stock assessment model as found in a NOAA stock assessment report. Units of total biomass can either be manually added or will be extracted from the provided file if possible. In later releases, model will not